(Not So) Elementary, My Dear Watson – Tuesday, 9/14 @ 7:00

The Friends of the Bartlett Public Library and New Hampshire Humanities present (Not So) Elementary, My Dear Watson: The Popularity of Sherlock Holmes.  Please join us Tuesday, September 14th at 7:00pm.

Why is Sherlock Holmes so popular?  Presenter Ann McClellan will answer this and other questions which may help explain why Sherlock Holmes is now a multi-million dollar industry.

The Beekeeper’s Apprentice by Laurie King is available for a read along.https://www.nhhumanities.org/UploadedFiles/Files/New_Hampshire_Humanities_Logo_in_Color_for_Web.jpg


Come in and check it out!  The major aspects of the library renovation have been completed and we are open for all services, including continued curbside.  The library hours are Mon., 2-8, Tues., 2-5, Wed., 12-6 (*note, this is a change), Thu., 2-5 and Sat., 11-3.  At this posting masks are required.